Welcome to JFM Accountants
We do our best to provide up to date accounting and taxation services. It's become imperative, with the ever-changing regulations, legislations and standards of the Accounting and Taxation laws, to utilize the fastest and most competent means to keep up with the overwhelming flow of information. Consequently, we made it our business to inform you about these changes in the simplest form possible, since it's a fact that most new legislations would have an impact, either directly or indirectly, on your business. As a business owner you need to be aware of these changes and take the necessary measures to tackle them.
Our team of professionals and highly qualified accountants has set their career goals in line with the firm's objectives. We provide professional accounting and taxation services at the highest standards and we believe this can be achieved by continuing technical education & training in addition.
Through comprehensive researches done over the recent years by independent bodies, it was found that the most common complaints from customers dealing with accountants is slowness with which their accountant delivers their annual financial statements and tax returns.
At J F M Accountants we genuinely understand value of money and its relationship with growing your business and wealth creation. We are a customer-focused service business. We take quality of our work very seriously and are committed to minimize our costs.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation